Black Friday - Tickle-Me Wiggly Plush Doll

Product image 1Black Friday - Tickle-Me Wiggly Plush Doll
Product image 2Black Friday - Tickle-Me Wiggly Plush Doll

Regular price $49.95

Don't forget about the Chibi Wiggly Mini-Plush - now available for all your evil-plush needs! 

Be his fwendy-wend!

Rub his belly-well!

Tickle his tumsy-wumsy!

This limited edition Tickle-Me Wiggly 12 inch plush doll comes straight from Hatchetfield and Uncle Wiley Toys.

Customer Reviews

Based on 383 reviews

I have heard the adverts on the radio for this..thing. My daughter insists she needs it, all of the time. Although I never remember her actually saying it..nevermind. I need one. NOW!

Put them back in stock please.

My cat really wants one of these 😁

Wiggog y’wrath
Im back bitches 🤭

Heeeeeeeelloo my fwendy wends 💚🐸 I get that its absolutely astronomically offensive that everyone loves me that much that they have 1 of my many forms with them rn (yes bwestie I know your still on the run 😈) but remember that no one can replace the original wiggly… just chant the lords in black and I shall appear- until next time dear fwends… ill be back next black friday

Perkys buds gotta have grubs

Ugh-. So i think I need this doll?
I mean. Perky said that it was an all powerful leader and I told Emma that that would be sick.
So if I can have this doll back in shock we here, the proud members of perkys buds will keep all your workers stocked on all the buds you need for the next year....or....yeah. coupple of months. Keeping the cost down and your workers lit.
Please put them back up. I need an all powerful deamon in my life. Peace out!

Zoe the sexy cop side chick (f**k off Charlotte)
Coffee? Yeah no. I need those tips.

So same promised me one of these fucking dolls and ended up disappearing after that b**ch Linda almost killed me at the honey queen pagent. I need more of these tips from beanies (come and tip or I'll hunt you down) so that I can get enough money saved up not only for theatre college, but for one of these gucking dolls. How i want to tickle his belly-well. RESTOCK THIS ITEM NOW. Uncle wiley i beg of you....I can do anything you need me to. Restock the dolls....

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Wiggly Restock! 🍏📦👀

Uncle Wiley's come through with a new batch of Wiggly dolls! Stock is very limited, so get one (or four) of your own now before they're gone!

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