Apocalyptour Digital Download

Product image 1Apocalyptour Digital Download
Product image 2Apocalyptour Digital Download

Regular price $9.99

Those out-of-world screwballs, The StarKids, are back! But this time, they're in Los Angeles, California with enough archeological equipment to make Indiana Jones blush! After defeating the Man With The Wide Brimmed Hat at the end of the SPACE Tour (also available on DVD), the StarKids decided to give up singing and dancing for the betterment of all mankind. But the ensuing world peace won't last for long! While pursuing their new hobby of excavating ancient Mayan ruins, the StarKids awaken Ma'au Guurit, The Mayan God of Chaos and Death! Each of the StarKids will have to put down their tiny brushes and shovels and pick up a microphone if they want to stop Ma'au Guurit from destroying the world in an Ancient Mayan Apocalypse! If all new arrangements of classic StarKid hits can't save the world, who knows what can!?!?

Been wondering when you'll see StarKid live again? Don't wait! Get your StarKid fix with the APOCALYPTOUR: Live in Los Angeles DVD!

**DVD is Region Free and NTSC Format, which will play on all NTSC DVD Players and most PAL format DVD Players

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Ash London
should be in the Louvre

a blast! it's so nice being able to watch performances from the past in such high quality

Michael Dinan
So much fun!

As someone who wasn’t into StarKid when this happened, having it saved is so wonderful. The quality of the video & audio sounded amazing on my end, and had such a fun vibe to it.

Viviana Molina
So Much Fun!

I love rewatching this! The camera quality is awesome and the songs are even more amazing! I was having so much fun watching this that I didn’t even realize how much time had passed.


How do you sell out of a digital download?


I wanted to get this for my Bday but now it’s sold out so I’m sad :,(
I would recommend but it’s sold out
Have a good day and go buy some other Starkid merch!!

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Wiggly Restock! 🍏📦👀

Uncle Wiley's come through with a new batch of Wiggly dolls! Stock is very limited, so get one (or four) of your own now before they're gone!

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